Various updates of PhpHomepage
V1.9 (11/06/2021)
- Fixes to some bugs
- Boostrap 5 update
v 1.8 (20/12/2016)
- Added Bootstrap (graphical improvement of the admin)
- Added a BDD class to be PHP compatible> 5.3
- Fix HTML5 source code to make it more W3C compliante
- Fixed some bugs
- Improved link listing page for touchscreen
v 1.7 (04/01/2013)
- Small optimization for the smartphones and tablet tactile
- Correction of source code HTML5 to return it W3C
- Addition of Meta Robot noindex
- Modification of the sorting of the categories so that it is in the alphabetical order
- Addition of the double management of link on the same line example (the beginning of the 2nd bond must be identical to the precedent):
link 1 = My Web site
link 1 = My Web site - Administration (or another link)
donne à l'affichage
<a href="http://link-1/">My Web site</a> - <a href="http://link-2/">Administration (or another link)</a>
v 1.6a (21/09/2005)
- Correction of some bug
v 1.6 (20/03/2004)
- grammatical Correction of the comentaires
- correction of the bug of addition of a new account for a compatibility PHP4 > = 4.1
- automatic cleaning of the base
- modify the links
v 1.5 (16/11/2003)
- Comment to the standard of phpdoc (
- Improvement of coding for a faster posting
- Passage in PHP4
- Coding on the w3c norm
- Some corrections of bug minor
- Addition of the Russian language provided by Lord (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
v 1.4a (19/11/2001)
- Some corrections of bug minor for better an installation
v 1.4 (09/08/2001)
- Reorganization of phphomepage (appearance of the file localisation)
- Better integration of the language
- Improvement of coding
v 1.3 (11/01/2001)
- Inclusion of the English file
- Correction of some bug
v 1.2 (10/01/2001)
- Creation of a file of language
- Possibility of putting in English (not provided)
- Correction of some bug
v 1.1 (09/01/2001)
- First version on line
- French exclusively